Glen Southern's Silo Fundamentals Series
Glen Southern's Silo Fundamentals - Part II
Covers how to select and manipulate the various object components as well as the various selection modes. (11:35)

Core Commands and Tools:
     Create Cube
          Menu: Create > Cube
          Hotkey: Alt + C
     Select Vertex
          Menu: Left button on bottom toolbar
          Hotkey: A
     Select Edge
          Menu: Second from left button on bottom toolbar
          Hotkey: S
     Select Face
          Menu: Third from left button on bottom toolbar
          Hotkey: D
     Select Entire Object
          Menu: Fifth from left button on bottom toolbar
          Hotkey: F
     Move Manipulator
          Menu: Sixth from left button on bottom toolbar
          Hotkey: W
     Scale Manipulator
          Menu: Sixth from right button on bottom toolbar
          Hotkey: E
     Rotate Manipulator
          Menu: Fifth from right button on bottom toolbar
          Hotkey: R
     Universal Manipulator
          Menu: Fourth from right button on bottom toolbar
          Hotkey: Q
          Hotkey: Select element, hold down Ctrl and LMB for free-form tweaks.
     Numerical Editor
          Menu: Editors/Options > Numerical Editor
          Hotkey: Ctrl + Alt + N
          Menu: Display > Viewport
          Hotkey: Spacebar
     Create Primitives
          Menu: Create > Cube, Sphere, or Cylinder > Viewport
          Right-Click Menu: Right Click > Create > Cube, Sphere, or Cylinder           Hotkey: Alt+C (Cube), Alt+Y (Cylinder)
     Paint Selection Style
          Menu: Third from right button on bottom toolbar
          Hotkey: Alt + S
     Area Selection Style
          Menu: Second from right button on bottom toolbar
          Hotkey: Alt + A
     Lasso Selection Style
          Menu: Right button on bottom toolbar
          Hotkey: Alt + D

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Getting Started
Guerrilla CG series
Glen Southern's Fundamentals - Part I

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Glen Southern's Fundamentals - Part III
Glen Southern's Silo Fundamentals Series (Beginner)
Glen's Silo Fundamentals - Part I
Glen Southern explains basic navigation within Silo as well as how to use the viewports.
(8:37 / 13.4 MB)
Glen's Silo Fundamentals - Part II
Selecting and manipulating object components as well as the various selection modes.
(10:59 / 12.0 MB)

Glen's Silo Fundamentals - Part III
Glen Southern talks about Instance Mirroring and Geometry Mirroring.
(8:46 / 8.9 MB)
Glen's Silo Fundamentals - Part IV
Using Soft Selection and Smooth with mirroring to make quick and powerful changes to a model.
(9:33 / 19.9 MB)

Glen's Silo Fundamentals - Part V
Demonstrates using extrusion, splitting and cutting to alter geometry.
(18:42 / 25.2 MB)
Glen's Silo Fundamentals - Part VI
Creating polygons, filling holes and bridging objects.
(6:45 / 8.3 MB)

Glen's Silo Fundamentals - Part VII
Additional polygon creation tools including Edge Tool, Append Polygon and Polygon Tool.
(9:04 / 9.4 MB)
Glen's Silo Fundamentals - Part VIII
Glen Southern continues the series with a discussion of surface normals.
(5:34 / 12.5 MB)

Glen's Silo Fundamentals - Part IX
More advanced tools including Lathe, Extrusion Object, and Path Extrusion.
(11:43 / 14.0 MB)
Glen's Silo Fundamentals - Part X
Glen covers Array and Instance tools, as well as how best to duplicate and combine objects.
(8:50 / 11.5 MB)

Glen's Silo Fundamentals - Part XI
Basic uses for the Scene Editor and Materials Editor, including selection groups.
(13:20 / 19.0 MB)
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