Partial Subdivide
Subdivision > Partial Subdivide


      The Partial Subdivide
(Subdivision > Partial Subdivide) command will create a subdivided object where only the selected faces or edges get subdivided. This partially subdivided portion can then be further partially subdivided by the same command. On subsequent partial subdivisions on the same object, if a non-subdivided portion of the object is selected that portion will become partially subdivided as well.  You can also refine the control mesh (Subdivision > Refine Control Mesh) to lock in the previous partial subdivision, then select and partially subdivide a new area.  You can use the Subdivide command on a partially subdivided object, which will cause the partially subdivided portion to be refined one step further.


See the Subdivide help topic for more information on subdivided shapes.

- Partial Subdivide will be applied to all active objects, no matter the selection mode.

- One way to achieve the effect of partially subdividing an object which has already been subdivided in a different area is to use the Refine Control Mesh command on the subdivided object, and then apply the new partial subdivision. However, the object will only be able to be unsubdivided to the level of the new control mesh.