Silo 2023.1 is here and ready for you to download!
For this release we've added two new modifiers to Silo's growing collection (available in the Modifier menu). The new Smooth modifier allows you to smooth out your object non-destructively, with optional volume preservation. The Array modifier allows you to arrange copies of your model in a one, two, or three dimensional grid. You can randomize position, rotation, and scale per object, as well as optionally randomize any Blend Shape sliders the object may have. It's a great way to get instant variation, and the new modifier form makes it much easier to work with, toggle on and off, or change after the fact. (It's so much better that we've removed the old standalone Procedural Array function upon which it's based.)
We've also added the ability to reset any material to the default material, available in the main drop-down in the Material Editor, along with the fixes listed below!
WATCH THE VIDEO: youtu.be/bZtddrVt_CQ
DOWNLOAD SILO 2023.1: nevercenter.com/silo/download
BUY/UPGRADE: nevercenter.com/silo
Feature List:
- Added Array modifier
- Added Smooth modifier
- Added Reset to Default Material in the Material Editor
- Fixed Hide Unselected to also hide locked shapes
- Fixed display text color for locked objects in the Scene Editor
- Fixed normals not being updated after Combine Objects
This update is FREE for all users who purchased Silo & Milo from nevercenter.com within the last year; simply download the new version from the Silo & Milo webpage. If you need to purchase an upgrade to your license, want to check if you need to, or generally check on the details of your license, you can do so at nevercenter.com/upgrade.
Enjoy! As always, we love to hear from you—send us an email at silo@nevercenter.com, or reach out via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube. We want to hear your thoughts so we can keep updating with your requests, and we love to see what you are creating!