Silo 2.5.5 with Segmented Bevel is Released!
Dear Friends of Silo,
We're excited to announce the release of Silo 2.5.5!
Our Silo updates continue! This update adds a significant new (and much-requested) feature: segmented bevel with adjustable rounding. The new functionality is integrated within the existing Bevel tool, with two new fields added to the Bevel Options window: Segments, and Rounding. You can see an explanatory video of the new Bevel in action here. Please try it out and send along any feedback you may have, as this feature may continue to change over time.
To Download: This is a free update for all Silo 2.x Pro license holders, and you should download your update to Silo 2.5.5 the same way you originally purchased the program: via the Mac App Store, Steam, or the Nevercenter website.
As always, we love to hear from you on the CGTalk Silo Forums, Trello, Facebook, and Twitter. Happy modeling!
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