Download the v2.5.6 update here
Here's how to get up and running:
Step 1: Make sure ZBrush is installed on your machine.
Step 2: In Silo, go to "File > GoZBrush > Setup GoZBrush". This will add Silo to ZBrush's list of applications it can interact with.
Step 3: Try sending a test model from Silo to ZBrush via "File > GoZBrush > Send To GoZBrush". This is how you save files out from Silo when you want them to appear in ZBrush.
Step 4: Within ZBrush, use the GoZ button to send a model to Silo. You can read more about the GoZ interface on the ZBrush side here: http://pixologic.com/zbrush/features/GoZBrush/
That should be all you need to do. If you run into trouble, restarting ZBrush might help. If you still run into trouble, let us know. We appreciate your beta feedback.
Note for Steam users: GoZ may have extra trouble locating Silo within Steam. You should still be able to send files back and forth as long as both applications are already open (and you've performed the steps above). You can also try specifying the path yourself within ZBrush. (Find the path by right clicking on Silo in Steam and going to "Properties".)