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Silo 2022 is here! Includes MAJOR fundamental improvements to the deep inner workings of Silo.
3D Modeling / April 26th, 2022     A+ | a-

Dear Friends of Silo,

We are very excited to announce the final release of Silo 2022.0, which is ready for you to download now! This update comes with some MAJOR fundamental improvements to the deep inner workings of Silo.


First off, we’ve swapped in Pixar’s OpenSubdiv library to power Silo’s subdivision surfaces. This means that on high-subdivision models RAM usage can be reduced by more than 50%, and interactive edits to your subd models will work faster and smoother than ever, often dramatically so.

Next, we’ve completely redesigned how Silo’s memory management works under the hood, which should increase the long-term stability and efficiency of Silo.

Additionally, many tools, manipulators, and other visual elements have been refreshed with a new, more modern look. We’d love to hear your suggestions on how to further improve them, especially in terms of offering useful visual feedback. In many cases models also draw faster for higher frame rates.

There are also several useful workflow updates like being able to highlight manipulators and geometry selections across multiple viewports without having to click to activate the viewport, and each tool options window now opens in its own window rather than reusing a common window. Numerical fields now work much better with scrolling and mouse dragging. Tons of little things like that have been tweaked and updated.

Tons and tons of bugs have been fixed across every corner of Silo. Thanks to all those who tested the betas and reported bugs - we’ve squashed essentially every reported bug, and have noted and are considering each and every feature suggestion.

The best part is that the large fundamental changes we’ve implemented are paving the way for us to add other awesome big things that users have been requesting for a long time. So stay tuned for more!

The update is FREE for all users who purchased Silo from within the last year; simply download the new version from the Silo webpage. If you need to purchase an upgrade to your license, want to check if you need to, or generally check on the details of your license, you can do so at

Enjoy! As always, we love to hear from you and see what you're working on—reach out via Facebook, TwitterYouTube, or Instagram.

Happy modeling,


Release Notes:
  • Now using Pixar’s OpenSubdiv library for subdivision surfaces calculations (uses approximately 50% less memory and subdivision is many times faster on high-subdivision models)
  • Completely redesigned memory management for improved overall stability
  • Tons and tons and tons of bug fixes
  • Faster drawing in many circumstances for higher framerates on high-poly models
  • Improved, modernized tools drawing, with more improvements to come
  • Improved Cut Tool, Edge Tool, Polygon Tool, Draw Topology Tool, and Surface Tool reliability/predictability, including bug fixes
  • Big improvements to the undo stack (edge creasing, material creation and editing, custom primitive loading, and more added to the undo stack)
  • Made tools each use their own window rather than reusing the same window across tools, and added a generic Tool Options windows that will update to any tool
  • Improved numerical field interaction—you can still click and drag up and down to adjust the value, but can more easily select text; plus improved response with hover scrolling over the value
  • Made stl files import colors as materials
  • Improved surface snapping, now works in object mode, applies per-vertex in vertex mode
  • Improved zoom performance/smoothness
  • Can now use selection highlighting and manipulators across multiple viewports without having to click in them first (unless switching between UV and geometry viewports)
  • See release notes for Beta 1 and Beta 2 for further details

Changes Since Beta 2:
  • Improved which texture is shown in the background of UV windows
  • Fixed bug in texture seam drawing
  • Added undo on Break when called in UV windows
  • Improved undo on moving UVs
  • Fixed numerical editor bugs on setting the angle between two faces
  • Improved behavior in mouse settings dropdowns
  • Fixed bug where numerical editor and others wouldn’t reopen on relaunching Silo
  • Returned ghost shade mode to previous selection behavior (acting like wireframe mode)
  • Fixed bug in undo on geometry changes messing up groups
  • Fixed bevel bug when using rounding
  • Fixed display bugs on Windows when reopening in full screen (including viewport drawing incorrectly and anti-aliasing not engaging)
  • Fixed bug where choosing to ignore version update prompts for the latest version didn’t work properly
  • Fixed bug in undo on geometry changes with creased edges
  • Fixed bug in toggling creasing on models with symmetry enabled
Tagged as:  Silo · 3D Modeling · Update
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