News & Announcements / January 22nd, 2019
We've had an ongoing #SiloFeatureRequest that isn't really a feature, but an ask to have the Glen Southern tutorial videos in higher quality.
Well, today's when it starts! We diligently searched our archives, found the original base recording files, and are recreating the set as high-res as we can go given the limitations on those original files. (Read: It's not perfect for 2019 standards, but it's MUCH improved! Think of it as a remastering of an old classic film.)
We're really excited to share these remade videos with you! Glen's Silo Fundamentals series is first, with the Minotaur (box modeling) and Alien (point-by-point modeling) to come next!
Check them out as they come out on our YouTube channel, or follow us on Twitter or Facebook to get notified as each one arrives!
Thanks as always for being part of this fantastic Silo community.