Core Features
- Powerful polygonal modeling with advanced tools
- Fast subdivision surfaces with creased edge support
- Lightweight, instant-open, standalone software
- Focused purely on modeling for a greatly simplified workflow
- 100% customizable keyboard, mouse, and interface to mimic any workflow
- 100% customizable on-screen interface, including creating your own buttons and graphics
- Equal support for a box modeling or strip modeling approach
- Brush-based displacement painting on a mesh or subdivision surface
- Topology brush for drawing new topology over a reference object
- Powerful UV unwrapping tools including LSCM support
- Smoothing groups/hard edges with smooth shading
- Live texture updating speeds up your workflow significantly for creating and modifying textures
- Support for generating 3D text
- Help/Support:
- Context-based in-app help
- Free Online Tutorials
- Online User Manual
- Online Modeling Wiki
- Supported file formats:
- Import/Export: .sia, .sib, .obj, .3ds, .dxf, .fac, .dae, and .fbx.
- Export-only: .stl, .pov, and .rib
Creating Geometry
- Basic Primitives:
- Cube (Can specify: height, width, depth, width/depth/height sections)
- Cylinder (Can specify: spokes, radius, height, sections, height sections)
- Sphere (Can specify: radius, sections, height sections)
- Cone (Can specify: top radius, bottom radius, height, sections, height sections)
- Torus (Can specify: inner radius, outer radius, radial sections, circumference sections)
- Grid (Can specify: width, depth, height, width/depth/height sections)
- Circle (Can specify: fill, spokes, radius, sections)
- Arc (Can specify: radius, inner radius, height, degrees, sections)
- Custom Primitives:
- Ships with: Base Bust, Base Man with Feet, Base Man with Shoes, Base Woman With Feet, Base Woman with Shoes, Subdivided Cube
- Lathe Object (Can specify: end caps, sections, degrees, merge tolerance, axis)
- Extrusion Object (Can specify: height, sections, axis)
- Path Extrusion Object (Can specify: end caps, scale, rotation)
- Edge Tool
- Polygon Tool
- Surface Tool
- Topology Tool
- Text Generator (Can specify: text, resolution, scale height, extrude depth, font, extrude/tesselate)
- Array
- Duplicate
- Combine Objects
- Instance
- De-Instantiate Instance
Modifying/Adjusting Geometry
- Append Polygon
- Append Edges
- Bevel
- Boolean Subtract/Combine/Intersect
- Break
- Bridge
- Cut
- Extrude
- Fill Hole
- Flatten
- Inset Scale
- Local Move
- Local Scale
- Merge
- Mirroring:
- Mirror Geometry
- Instance Mirror Toggle
- Calculate Symmetry
- Symmetry Mode Toggle
- Restore Symmetry
- Orient
- Paint Displacement
- Shell
- Slide
- Smooth
- Spin Edge
- Split Loop
- Triangulate
- Unify Normals
- Reverse Normals
- Subdivide
- Unsubdivide
- Toggle Current Subdivision
- Clear Higher Subdivision
- Refine Control Mesh
- Crease Edges
- Uncrease Edges
- Toggle Edge Crease
Selection Tools
- Group Selection
- Select Affected Groups
- Select Next Group
- Selection Mode (Vertex, Edge, Face, Object, Multi)
- Convert Selection to Vertices/Edges/Faces
- Manipulator Tool (Move, Scale, Rotate, Universal, Snap, None)
- Snapping (Component, Surface, Grid, None)
- Selection Style (Paint, Area, Lasso)
- Soft Selection (Can specify: Surface/Spherical, Radius, Falloff)
- Select All
- Deselect
- Deselect Inactive
- Invert Selection
- Expand Selection
- Grow Selection
- Shrink Selection
- Select Path
- Select Loop
- Select Ring
- Select Special Geometry
- Faces with sides =, !=, <, >
- Vertices with edges =, !=, <, >
- Edges with faces =, !=, <, >
- Select By...
- Faces with same material
- Creased Edges
- UV Seams
- Manipulator Edit Mode
- Recenter Object Axis
- Set Object Axis
- Orient Selection to World
- Orient Manipulator (Normal Vector, Object, World)
- Auto-Orient Manipulator (Standard, Normal Vector, Object, World, Auto Orienting Off, Enable Repositioning)
- Material Editor
- Recreate UVs
- Using XYZ Coords
- Per Face
- Using Planar Regions
- Using Spherical Projection
- Using Cylindrical Projection
- Using Cubic Projection
- Using LSCM Unwrapping
- Using Neighbors
- Unwrap UVs using LSCM
- Live UV Unwrapping
- Mark/Unmark UV Seams (+ Toggle)
- Pin/Unpin UV Vertices (+ Toggle)
- Move and Sew
- Mirror UVs
- Nudge UVs (U+/-, V+/-, Rotation +/-)
- Flip UVs
- Arrange UVs in Bounds
- Scale UVs to Bounds
- Scale UVs Proportionally
- Export UVs to Image
- Generate Normal Map
- Generate Displacement Map
- Add Light (Can specify: directional/point/spot, diffuse/ambient/specular color, constant/linear/quadratic falloff, spot cutoff/exponent, lock lights to camera, custom lights)
- Use Scene Lights
- Lock Scene Lighting to Camera
- Make Scene Lights Default
- Object Display Modes:
- Wireframe Mode
- Flat Shade Mode
- Smooth Shade Mode
- Fast Shade Mode
- Ghosted Shade Mode
- Crease/Uncrease Edges (+ Toggle)
- Show/Hide Wireframe
- Show/Hide Textures
- Show/Hide UV Seams
- Show/Hide Normals
- Frame Selection
- Focus Selection
- Hide Selection
- Hide Unselected
- Show All
- Unselected to Wireframe
- Unselected to Ghost Shading
- Viewport Layout Options:
- Single View Layout
- Horizontal Split Layout
- Vertical Split Layout
- 3-View Layout (Right)
- 3-View Layout (Left)
- 4-View Layout
- Viewport Camera Options:
- Free Perspective View
- Free Orthographic View
- Top/Front/Left/Right/Back/Bottom Orthographic Views
- UV 2D View
- UV 3D View
- Walkthrough Mode
- Show Work Grids toggle
- Show Manipulator toggle
- Show Viewport Images toggle
- Show Lights toggle
- Show UV Seams toggle
- Show Buttons toggle
- Next Button Page
- Set/Select/Delete Viewport image
- Render External (Can specify: file format [sib/sia/obj/dxf/3ds/fac/rib/stl/pov], render command, command line options)
- Scene Editor
- Scene Info (scene: objects, faces, iso faces, tris; selection objects, faces, edges, vertices, tris; faces: 3-sided, 4-sided, >4-sided)
- Object Properties (name, shading, subdivision level, symmetry, instance mirror, show/hide wire, show/hide normals, show/hide textures, hidden, locked)
- Numerical Editor
- X,Y,Z Position
- X,Y,Z Rotation
- X,Y,Z Scale
- X,Y,Z Size
- Distance
- Angle
- Coordinates World/Manipulator
- Material Editor
- Name
- Diffuse
- Ambient
- Specular
- Emissive
- Shininess
- Texture
- Brush Editor
- Falloff curve
- Name
- Radius
- Strength
- Focus
- Image
- Operation (push/pull, smooth/noise, pinch/inflate, smudge/flatten, move)
- Size to Screen/World
- Blend Shapes Editor
- Blend Mode (Additive/Average)
- Add Target
- Randomize Sliders
- Restore Target Shapes
- Bake Shape
- Batch Generate
- General Settings
- Subdivision Settings
- Display Settings
- Edge width
- Vertex size
- Selected edge width
- Selected vertex size
- Edge alpha
- Face alpha
- Normals length
- Camera field of view
- Near clipping plane ratio
- Walkthrough mode speed
- Work grid width/spacing/heavy step/alpha
- UV grid width/spacing/alpha/texture alpha
- Texture resolution
- Optimized face draw limit
- Rotate camera around selection/framed selection
- Backface culling
- Show/Hide subdivision cages
- Show/Hide selection subdivision cages
- Show/Hide selection highlighting
- Triangulate Quads on/off
- Draw Viewport Gradient on/off
- Color Settings
- Viewport Background
- Viewport Background Secondary
- Grid
- Viewport Text
- Viewport Selected
- Selection Tools
- Manipulator X/Y/Z/Center
- Manipulator Selected
- Soft Selection Near
- Soft Selection Far
- Selection Highlighting
- Shape Wireframe
- Selected Shape Wireframe
- Selected Instance Wireframe
- Unselected Vertices
- Selected Vertices
- UV Pinned Vertices
- Vertex Mode Wireframe
- Unselected Edges
- Unselected Creased Edges
- Selected Edges
- Selected Creased Edges
- UV Seam Edges
- Selected Faces
- UV Faces
- Face Mode Wireframe
- Multi Mode Wireframe
- Window
- Window Light
- Window Dark
- Window Text
- Window Highlight
- Window Title Bar
- Window Title Text
- Load/Save Color Presets
- Button Settings
- Command
- Up/Down Image
- Anchor-to location (15 options, plus "custom")
- Persistent on/off
- Button Pages (+ add new page)
- Add Button
- Load/Save Button Presets
- Keyboard Settings
- Assign keyboard shortcuts to ALL program commands
- Load/Save Keyboard Presets
- Mouse Settings
- Left Button (with: no add'l key, alt, ctrl, shift, ctrl+shift, alt+shift, ctrl+alt, double click)
- Middle Button (with: no add'l key, alt, ctrl, shift, ctrl+shift, alt+shift, ctrl+alt, double click)
- Right Button (with: no add'l key, alt, ctrl, shift, ctrl+shift, alt+shift, ctrl+alt, double click)
- Scroll (wheel up/down with: no add'l key, alt, ctrl, shift, ctrl+shift, alt+shift, ctrl+alt)
- Load/Save Button Presets
- Default Presets: Silo, Lightwave, Max, Mirai, Silo Alternate, Trackpad
- File Format Settings
- Save/Load All Settings