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<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <allpages gapcontinue="Recreate_UVs_Per_Face" />
      <page pageid="237" ns="0" title="Recenter Object Axis">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">[[Image:Recenter_Object_Axis.jpg|thumbnail|none]]

''Default Shortcut: None''

''Menu Path: Selection &gt; Recenter Object Axis''

The Recenter Object Axis command will put the object's axis at the current center (average position of components) of the model. Some operations, such as merging and un-merging (via [[Break]]) two objects, or editing the manipulator position manually, can lead to non-centered manipulators, and this command allows you to reset that position.

*You can use [[Set Object Axis]] to manually adjust the object's axis.

{{Silo Manual}}</rev>
      <page pageid="452" ns="0" title="Recreate UVs">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">''Default Shortcut: None''

''Menu Path: UVs/Materials &gt; Recreate UVs''


''Layout Spacing''
:Spacing (in UV units) between islands when automatically laying out UVs.

:See [[Recreate_UVs_Using_XYZ_Coords]]

''Per Face''
:See [[Recreate_UVs_Per_Face]]

:See [[Recreate_UVs_Using_Planar_Regions]]

:See [[Recreate_UVs_Using_LSCM_Unwrapping]]
:See [[Recreate_UVs_Using_Neighbors]]

{{Silo Manual}}</rev>