Auto Orient Manipulator

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Default Shortcut: Alt + W (To World)

Menu Path: Selection > Auto Orient Manipulator


The Auto Orient Manipulator submenu allows you set how Silo will orient the manipulator with each new selection.


When checked, this option orients the manipulator differently depending on the selection and the manipulator in use. In object selection mode (see Selection Mode), it will orient the manipulator to the selected shape's axis. Otherwise the manipulator will be oriented according to world x, y, and z axes.


When checked, this option will cause the manipulator to be aligned with the normal vector of the selection. In face mode, the normal vector will be the average normal of the faces. In vertex and edge selection mode, Silo will attempt to deduce the best normal vector. In object selection mode, this command will orient the manipulator to the object's local axis.

To Object

When checked, the manipulator will orient itself to the local axis of the selected shape or the shape whose components are selected. If components from multiple shapes are selected, world x, y, and z axes will be used.

To World

When checked, the manipulator will orient itself to the world-coordinate x, y, and z axes.

Auto Orienting Off

When this option is checked, the manipulator will not reorient itself on each new selection, but will remain as previously oriented.

Enable Repositioning

When this option is checked, the manipulator will reposition itself to the center of the current selection. Otherwise it will remain fixed. This option can be very helpful for rotating selections around specific axes or points.


  • Silo will do its best to determine where the selection's normal ought to be, but in some cases, such as with a random non-planar collection of vertices, there is no clear choice.