Pixelmash 2024.1 is ready for you to download now!
For this release, we’ve added a much-requested new feature for Pixelmash: the ability to edit keyboard shortcuts. To get started, go to Edit > Edit Keyboard Shortcuts… to open the editor. You can then select any command and press the shortcut you wish to assign. You can also clear shortcuts or reset them to default. We’ve also fixed an issue with pasting layer effects, and separated the Paste Layer Effects command into two commands which will let you specify whether to add the pasted effects to any effects already applied, or replace them.
WATCH THE VIDEO: youtu.be/v4oVHvWuv38
DOWNLOAD PIXELMASH 2024.1: nevercenter.com/pixelmash/download
BUY/UPGRADE: nevercenter.com/pixelmash
As always, this update is FREE for everyone who purchased Pixelmash from nevercenter.com within the last year; simply download the new version from the Pixelmash webpage. If you need to purchase an upgrade to your license, want to check if you need to, or generally check on the details of your license, you can do so at nevercenter.com/upgrade.
Enjoy! As always, we love to hear from you—send us an email at pixelmash@nevercenter.com, or reach out via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube. We want to hear your thoughts so we can keep updating with your requests, and we love to see what you are creating!